OKey отчет по продажам за 2-й квартал 2018

24.07.2018, 15:15

Дела плохи?


Если скорректировать на факт продажи супермаркетов в декабре 2017, то все равно все плохо, темпы роста выручки -2,5% по группе и -5,1% конкретно по гипермаркетам.

  • Organic Group net retail revenue, excluding the effect of the supermarket business sale, decreased
    by 2.5% YoY . Group net retail revenue decreased by 10.6% YoY to RUB 37,373 mln, down from RUB
    41,793 mln in 2017. The revenue decline was primarily influenced by the sale of supermarket business
    in December 2017;

  • Organic **net retail revenue generated by OKEY, excluding the effect of the supermarket business sale,** **decreased by 5.1% YoY** . Net retail revenue generated by OKEY decreased by 13.4% YoY to RUB
    34,037 mln primarily on the back of the supermarket business sale as well as negative shelf inflation
    trends which came significantly below our expectations, persistently strong competition growth in the
    key regions, the FIFA World Cup, the closure of hypermarket in Sterlitamak in Q

The Company continued to focus on adapting the assortment mix to the current needs of customers’ in
Q2 2018 and introduced 55 new private label SKUs, while the total number of SKUs reached 2,350 (the
share of private label in the total SKUs as of the end of Q2 is 40%). During the quarter the Company
expanded the assortment matrix with new frozen products and goods sold by weight and further improved
the assortment quality of the Fruit & Vegetables and Bakery sections. In the reported period the Company
continued to enhance the customer experience by introducing an upgraded version of customer baskets
– bigger and more comfortable, and implemented a new lightning concept – applying focused light in the
Fruit & Vegetables section, as well as at the end caps

Дискаунтеры растут, но их доля 10% в группе.

То есть, если, прямой конкурент OKey, Лента пошла в супермаркеты, то OKey супермеракеты продал и пошел в дискаунтеры!

Как отдельный бизнес они растут и даже могут выйти на IPO,

В целом видно, что проект успешен и spin-off не помешает.

Эффект продажи супермеракетов.

Площади зафиксировались, а выручка пошла вниз. Конкуренты рады.

Провал. Но уже серез 2 квартала будет рост

Ранее, год назад, на очередном слабом отчете OKey, рисовали вот такую картину.

Гонка продолжается и в 2019 лидеры сменятся. OKey Также может все удивить.

По отчетам остаются Дикси и Магнит.